Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Free Will Controversy Essays (1768 words) - Desiderius Erasmus

The Free Will Controversy Between the years of 1524 and 1527, Erasmus Desiderius and Martin Luther were tangled up in an interesting controversy (Bainton 187). This controversy surprisingly did not involve the authority of the pope, the nature of the church, indulgences, or any of the other practices that each man equally detested. It involved the philosophical topic regarding the question of free or enslaved will (Faulkner 171). Preserved Smith defines free will as the power to apply ones self to the things that make for salvation (348). This controversy was bound to happen for a number of reasons. First of all, Luther was becoming violent in his words and actions in general. Secondly, Luther made himself a target by his assertion in the Heidelberg Disputation of 1518. Luther's exact words were, "Free will, after the fall, even when doing the best it can, commits a mortal sin." These two factors led Erasmus to speak out against Luther in De Libero Artitrio (On Free Will). Luther eventually answered back furiously in De Servo Arbitrio (On Enslaved Will) (Bainton 186-7). This was a superior work which explains to historians why Luther prevails in the end (Zweig 139). Erasmus was one of the most intelligent people of his century. Today however, he remains in the minds of most people as nothing more than another name (Zweig 3). In his time, he was the leader of all scholars in Europe from Germany to Italy and Spain and from England to Hungary as well. He stands above the other humanists and forerunners of the reformation (Schaff 402). His great mission was to bring back the spirit of classical and Christian Antiquity (Smith 33-4). Preserved Smith describes the first part of his life, specifically until 1524, as being "progressive and reformatory;" the second, until his death in 1536, he says was, "conservative and reactionary" (402). He is described as being somewhat of a nomad, never staying in the same place for more than eight years (48). Compared to his contemporaries, Erasmus did more than his share in preparing the church for the reformation (Schaff 402). Historians refer to Erasmus as the, "illegitimate" son of a Dutch priest named Gerard, and Margaret (Schaff 404). He was born in Rotterdam on October 27, in the 1466 or 1467 (Faulkner 30). He received his early education at Utrecht and then at Deventer where he began to impress people with his talents. Within him was a love was a passion for books and at the age of just 12, he knew Horace and Terence by memory (Schaff 404). When his father died, he was taken care of by three guardians. Their goal was to have him become a priest which gave them the power to rob him of his inheritance. They placed him in the house of the Brethren of the Common Life at Hertogenbusch. While there, Erasmus calls their houses as, "seminaries of monasticism," and refers to their teachers as a, "destruction to good intellect." They did not come close to destroying Erasmus's intellect. A few years later, his guardians convinced him to enter a monastery. He entered the Augustinian monastery against his will wh ere he would spend five extremely unhappy years (Faulkner 323). After this, Erasmus went on to achieve his fame in doing the things he always wanted to do (Schaff 407-9). Despite the fact that Erasmus and Luther had many difference, there were ways in which they were similar. Both of them advocated a return to antiquity and an excitement for the golden age of Christianity and pagan Rome. They both had an interest in revolts against the mediaeval scholasticism. Another similarity lies in their child-hoods. They were both born into an era of individualism. Also, they grew up in cities that had recently developed in the same bourgeois class (Smith 321). Many differences between these two men led to their quarrel. Some of these differences were physical. Luther was the son of a minor. This along with his inborn energies made him the rougher of the two. Luther is quoted as saying, "I gorge like a Bohemian and gulp down my liquor like a German" (Zweig 132). Luther also spoke in a powerful German voice that was full of vigor (133).

Monday, November 25, 2019

When Women Have The Power essays

When Women Have The Power essays If men are not around what are women to do? World War II marked a significant turn for women in society as women began to enter the workforce in large numbers, filling and expanding the void left by the many men who went to fight in Europe's epic world war. Eudora Welty's short story, "Petrified Man," contradicts the typical thought surrounding the gender roles and the social norms of Southern Americans. In the story women are the controllers of the household, and men are weak inactive figures, as they do nothing. Leota and Mrs. Pike, two strong female characters in "Petrified Man" have steady jobs and are the economic supporters of the family, while Fred and Mr. Pike are unemployed and live at home. Although Mr. Fletcher is employed, he takes a subordinate role in his marriage as Mrs. Fletcher takes the reins and does as she pleases. The Petrified Man is even an inactive figure, hiding from the police and acting as if he is a man that is made of stone. Through the actions and traits of the female and male characters in "Petrified Man" gender role reversal becomes a prevalent and meaningful theme of the short story. World War II started in 1939 and during this time most able-bodied men went off to Europe to fight, leaving the women to do the work outside the home. Women therefore became both domestic keepers and often the financial provider of the family. Around this time, women's rights were becoming more accepted as they were allowed to vote, own property and had many civic liberties of their own (Carter 1). In the "Petrified Man," Welty describes the gender role reversal through the characters of Leota and Mrs. Pike, "He don't wanna go, but I ain't gonna put up with nothin' like that. Lays around the house an' bulls-did bulls-with that good-for nothin' like Mr. Pike. He says if he goes who'll cook, but I says I never get to eat anyway." It is the men, Mr. Pike and Fred, who are a...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Modern Condition and The Artist's Response Essay

The Modern Condition and The Artist's Response - Essay Example In Modern Art 1851-1929 the author, Richard Brettell, says that an obvious but unmediated way that the artist represented the change of their time is by the subject of their work. By painting modern inventions, such as the Eiffel Tower or a lunch at a new cafe in downtown Paris, the artists was recording modernity. Because one abject can be represented in many ways it helps us analyze how the artists felt about the subject. For example, images of the "most important single achievements of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries", or the modern city, were very popular subjects. For the purpose of this essay, we will look at how the question of Marxism and the answer of capitalism - and the results from the debate - have slowly transformed society up until this point, affecting and changing social class and consciousness over time and how these changes have been reflected in art forms. Marxism as a whole spurred the onslaught of a different sociological vehicle for governing the masses, a vehicle which contradicted the arguably excessive range of capitalism and what it stood for. By definition then this conflict reflected in art and how the psyche of the collective human race responded to either one or the other. Blamires stated that Marxists saw the chief evil to be eradicated as being the oppression by the capitalists and their allies of the working class (Blamires, pp. 404). Marxism advocated the administration and equalizing of society - all are equal - but failed to take into account the general urge of individuality as experienced by every human being. Due to the competitive and adaptive nature of capitalism, with its emphasis on individuality and the rights of every human, Marxist philosophy and strictures were revealed to be too oppressive, in a grand gesture of irony; human beings desired freedom and unique expression, and a system that regulated and repr essed anything that promoted defiance was seen as limiting and unnecessary. Expressing the notion of change, even gradual, was an easy task for the painters and artists of the transitional times between Marxism/communism and capitalism. Painting life and people in current situations was a means of expressing identification, for self and others. Examples of such works would include Manet's 'Un bar aux Folies-Bergre' (The Bar at the Folies-Bergre) or 'Masked Ball at the Opera'. These images depict a changing time and most notably, a gathering of people and a celebration of life in its individualized freedom. By definition then, these paintings can be seen as symbolic of free will and its execution, in rebellion against oppression and repression as defined by the anti-liberal motion of the Marxist embodiment of social norms. Capitalism in itself is not an absolute expression of individuality. There are still classes and regulatory boundaries, but these are more manageable. As Abrams stated, "the older usage of the term 'capitalism' no longer describes the system as it presently functions". This is implied in other forms of art, such as sculpture and architecture. Because of the individualist drive of competitiveness and self-expression as engendered by capitalism, inter-people conflicts based on viewpoints and opinion become a definite occurrence, and are expressed in art forms

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Yunees The student hunter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Yunees The student hunter - Essay Example Yunees speaks fluently in giving out opinions about hunting and the way he does it. He says, â€Å"I go hunting every weekend because as a student that is the only time I have free from early morning.† He maintains that hunting involves patience since it involves stalking rabbits and other animals in the fields to allow for an easy hunt of the rabbit. Yunees says, â€Å"I like to hunt rabbits the most because then I can cook them for dinner and enjoy them with my friends; the rabbits taste delicious. Other animals are not often hunted because, they run away very fast before I can hunt them†. It means during the hunting expeditions of Yuness and his friends, they sometimes face various challenges in the fields. Ahmed, a friend to Yunees, often does not go hunting with his friends, since he thinks it is prohibited to hunt wild animals. However, Yunees and his friends use different slang such as â€Å"they taste great,† to give them more reasons for hunting the animals as they communicate to each other during their hunting expeditions. During the interview, Yunees says, â€Å"Most of the time I have two of my friends accompanying me and they have the same hobby.† Besides, different expressions such as â€Å"PETA† to mean people eating tasty animals, used by the group during hunting expeditions gives them confidence and courage to pursue animals during the hunting of rabbits and other animals in the field. In addition, Yunees performs unique rituals such as painting his gun with previous rabbit shot blood. He paints his gun talking in Arab languages to influence good luck in the next hunting expedition. Moreover, he believes that the ritual allows him have another successfully hunting adventure with even better experience during the hunting period. He maintains the habit of painting his gun during hunting experience to enable him has courage to look for the animals and shoot them during

Monday, November 18, 2019

War and Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

War and Technology - Essay Example During World War One, military officials realized the importance of having up to date weapons to win wars (Stewart 2001)2. During this period, armies used advanced weapons recognized as second generation warfare and realized that machinery and weapons are used to conquer and win battles and the only importance of military officials is limited to occupying the conquered areas. 1Harris, Brice F.  America, Technology and Strategic Culture: A Clausewitzian Assessment. London: Routledge, 2009. Internet resource. 2Neil, Stewart.  The Changing Nature of Warfare, 1700-1945. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2001. Print. During this period armies even realized the importance of transportation as these vehicles were used to transport men and machinery from one end to another. These improvements in technology clearly defined that to gain victory in war; you have to be sound technologically at both the operative and the tactical bases. The belief of technological soundness being the determinant o victory of war was clearly visible in different wars such as the Cold War and Current Wars that take place every now and then. Body After WWII, major nations throughout the earth started developing the technological side of their defense, they started developing and acquiring new kinds of air shuttles, sea transport and weapon, new form of larger missiles and bombs and machinery that is used while nation’s army is fighting in the land (Melko 2001)3. The continuous up gradation of the technological side led to the development of military aircrafts and air transports which had higher degree of accuracy and speed, researchers even developed new forms of surveillance systems to gain higher degree of accuracy during the process of acquiring information, for this purpose GPS systems came into existence. These developments in technological advancements were recognized as 3GW (Third Generation Warfare), these developments were utilized during the period of WWII and during Gulf War th at took place between Iraq and US and later even in different attacks conducted on Iraq starting from 2003 till present date. These wars clearly exhibited that those countries that were able to accept and create technological advancements are the victorious ones. 3Mathew, Melko.  General War Among Great Powers in World History. Lewiston, N.Y: Edwin Mellen Press, 2001. Print. Advanced Technology in Operational Level While creating a strategy before going to war, both the tactical as well as the operational bases of the war are taken into consideration and special importance is given to the technological aspect of these two bases. According to Giulio Douhet, one of the best strategies implemented is the use of air power to destroy the opponent civil population’s willingness to fight (Douhet 2010)4. This strategy was implemented in different wars, for example: during the period of WWI, this strategy was implemented by the German strategists while attacking London and NATO forc es even used the same strategy while attacking Kosovo. This strategic move increases the accuracy at which the war targets are attacked, thus this strategy obtains the optimum result while keeping the collateral losses at the lower end. Advancement in technology has been accepted as morally correct as these advancements increases the probability of armies gaining the accurate intelligence about the legal targets that need to be

Friday, November 15, 2019

Crime Scene Management: Challenges Faced

Crime Scene Management: Challenges Faced Crime scene management has evolved to meet the challenges of todays crime scene experts. There have been a lot of changes over the past 75 years, especially in the type of evidence which can now be recovered and the investigative tools used to process it. The employment of qualified Scientific Support Managers take charge of all experts involved at a scene and this ensures evidence is recovered In-tact and un-compromised. The following paper shows how modern scene management methods are used to investigate the Ruxton case today. The Initial Call A hill walker in the south of Scotland, spots an arm reaching up out of the river. She immediately calls 999 and Police officers are dispatched to her location. Actions of the First Officers at the Scene (FAO) Quick preservation is the key to success in recovering evidence from any scene. Crime scenes are easily compromised and evidence can be destroyed by walking over or moving any items before experts have cleared the area. Locards Principle In 1921 Locards Principle was founded and it simply states every contact leaves a trace there is always evidence at a scene and failure to find evidence may be due to Poor preservation and search techniques. The officers contact their supervisor as to what they found and requested a Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) to attend the location. FOAs now cordoned off the scene and identify safe parking for technical bureau vehicles. A logbook is opened to record all personnel who attend the scene. Major Crime Scene Management Towards the end of the 1980s it was decided new management and training techniques were required and the roll of Crime Scene Manager was developed. The establishment of the National Training Centre provide crime scene investigators with higher standards of training. (As per G. Keeling and A. Scott Crime scene management workbook, P4) Proper management of staff at major crime scenes was found to be paramount if an investigation is to be successful. All major crime scenes present complex issues which may lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between the various forensic teams. A co-ordinated approach to the investigation is essential and must be agreed by all the various experts if the investigation is to be handled properly. (As per G. Keeling and A. Scott Crime scene management workbook, P14) The management structure includes: Senior Investigation Officer (SIO) Scientific Support Co-ordinator (SSC) Crime Scene Co-ordinator (CSC) Crime Scene Manager (CSM) Exhibits Officer In major crime scenes the SIO will seek the assistance of a Senior Forensic Scientist to co-ordinate with the forensic laboratory. Senior Investigation Officer The Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) is the principle decision maker in the investigation and will control the enquiry with the management team. (see fig 2) Scientific Support Co-ordinator This Scientific Support Co-ordinator manages and co-ordinates the various scientific support teams (outlined later) and advises the SIO on the scientific support strategy. The Crime Scene Co-ordinator The CSC advises the SIO on contamination issues. If it becomes obvious this is not the primary crime scene then the CSC will coordinate personnel at all the various scenes. The Crime Scene Manager The CSM is an experienced CSI who will take control of the scene and is responsible for all matters relating to its examination. The CSM is the liaison between the SIO and CSIs.(See fig 3) (As per G. Keeling and A. Scott Crime scene management workbook, P14) Exhibits Officer This detective is in charge of keeping all evidence secure. The exhibits officer records, catalogues and assigns exhibit numbers to each piece of evidence i.e. LCH1. The incident Room Information is controlled and stored in the incident room using a computer system first introduced in the UK in 1986 known as HOLMES (Home Office Large Major Enquiry System). The Incident room provides the SIO with accurate up to date information on the examination of evidence. The Incident room also provides a two way information system for detectives during the investigation. Police and staff at the scene include Personnel under the control of The Scientific Support Co-ordinator include: The Crime Scene Investigator is responsible for persevering and collecting evidence at the scene. The Photographer provides a full pictorial record of the scene and the Post Mortem and produces albums for trial. The Surveyor provides detail maps and plans of the scene. The Fingerprint Lab tech is used to recover prints at a scene. The Fingerprint expert is used to examine prints at a scene and aid in eliminating any persons who have cause to be a scene. Experts provided by the Forensic Science Service (FSS) include: Entomologists Anthropologists Forensic Psychologists Forensic Archaeologists Chemist Biologist Dynamic Risk Assessment Under the Health Safety at work Act 1974 The Crime Scene Manager completes a Dynamic Risk Assessment for every scene which addresses: Water born hazards (drowning, weils disease) Biological issues (HIV/AIDS/HEP AB) Personal injury Items infested with parasites Unsafe areas Welfare issues which must be addressed:- Meal breaks WC facilities, Weather conditions Critical Stress Debriefing Personnel working at this scene were presented with a horrendous sight of decomposed and butchered body parts strewn across the area. All staff must be offered the opportunity to undertake Critical Stress Debriefing. Contamination Matrix The Crime Scene manager compiles a Contamination Matrix which ensures no person or vehicle attends more than one scene. This will eliminate any possibility of cross contamination. The Forensic strategy The SIO needs the following questions to be answered:- Are the parts human Could the remains be animals? Who is the deceased The victim(s) needs to be identified as soon as possible. Age and sex of the victim(s) Age and gender of the victim will aid in the identification process. Time and date of death The pathologist will be able to determine a rough time of death and an entomologist may be able to produce an estimated date of death. Cause of death The pathologists will give an indication of how the victim(s) died. Can a suspect be eliminated There is no point spending money investigating an innocent person. Can evidence prove this person is or is not a suspect? Is this linked to another crime If this crime is linked to another crime, evidence and investigations from the other crime scenes may be able to direct investigators to a suspect. (As per G. Keeling and A. Scott Crime Scene Management workbook, P20) Using the forensic strategy it is important to keep an open mind and read the scene based on knowledge and experience as the facts fall into place, testing each hypothesis as it develops. (As per P. White From Crime Scene to Court P47) A.B.C Model Assume nothing Believe no one Check everything (See Fig 4) Agreeing and delivering a forensic strategy Once a forensic strategy has been decided the SIO and CSM must before the investigation can continue. The SIO records the agreed strategy in the investigation policy book and the CSM records the strategy in the scene management log. Recording the forensic strategy To avoid any misunderstanding between the SIO and CSM the scene log is updated with actions identified in the forensic strategy. The log is also updated with the outcomes from briefings, meetings and directions to the CSIs. Delivering the forensic Strategy The CSM is responsible for Planning, coordinating and managing the search and recovery of evidence. The CSM details tasks and activities from the strategy to the forensic teams. (As per G. Keeling and A. Scott Crime Scene Management workbook, P21) Managing Police and Forensic experts at the scene Processing a crime scene involves a team of experts who can deal with any piece of evidence uncovered during an investigation. These experts need to be managed and coordination to avoid any overlaps during their examinations. (As per G. Keeling and A. Scott Crime Scene Management workbook, P21) Major Crime Scene vehicles The attendance of a Major Crime Scene Vehicle is requested. (See fig 6). This vehicle will act as a command post to allow briefings to be held on site. Crime scene vehicles also attend which contain equipment such as lighting, tarpaulin, plastic tape and any non-routine equipment needed at an external crime scene. (As per P. White From Crime Scene to Court P46) Immediate Search The CSM contacts Police Search Advisors (POLSA) who are trained in systematic searching techniques for large areas. A fingertip search of the area is conducted to locate evidence. The CSIs will recover and transfer the evidence to the Exhibits Officer to hold until their value to the investigation is ascertained. (As per P. White From Crime Scene to Court P49) Recovery of Evidence The CSM produces an Evidence Recovery Plan which outlines the steps required before any piece of evidence is recovered. Sequencing of examination The Sequencing of Examinations must always be done in such a way that the recovery process does not destroy other evidence. Evidence should be processed in this order:- Pictorial record and sketches of the position of the item Recovery of fragile evidence first i.e. DNA, fibres Fingerprinting (As per G. Keeling and A. Scott Crime Scene Management workbook, P22) The Planning Cycle NEW INFORMATION New information can be obtained from any source at any time STOP stop and obtain a briefing ASSESS Using the CSMs initial questions. What do I know? Now formulate a plan, immediate action required PLAN What specialists do I require? Is my Evidence Recovery Plan in place. REVIEW review the actions put in place (See fig 5) Cordons The CSM will confirm the positions of the cordons are. The CSM will identify the position of a second outer cordon. Once the inner cordon is in place, only personnel wearing PPE will be allowed pass. Crime Scene Surveillance All personnel will be aware a suspect may be present or revisit the scene during the investigation asking questions. It is best practice that details are recorded of any person enquiring about the scene or vehicles driving around the area. (As per G. Keeling and A. Scott Crime Scene Management workbook, P11) Common Approach Path (CAP) A common approach path is established to allow access to the scene. This is completed by identifying a route to the scene which would not likely to have been used by the suspect. This route is subjected to a fingertip search and a full video and photographic record is completed. Once this route is established the CSM, SIO, Pathologist and Forensic Scientist will approach the main area where the biggest concentration of the body parts are located. Body parts Body parts are placed in new plastic body bags and labelled appropriately. The body parts are accompanied back to the morgue by the Crime Scene Manager and a Police Officer. The Officer will remain with the bodies for the duration until the Post Mortem is completed. Under Water Search Unit An Under Water Search Unit is bought in and will search the river to recover body parts and the instruments used in the possible murder and dissection of the bodies. The Post Mortem The Pathologist will systematically examine the body to establish cause and time of death. An attempt to identify the weapon and instrument used to dissect the bodies will be made. A full video and photographic record including sketches are made for each step. The Pathologist will take various samples, blood, hair (head body), DNA and swabs from all body orifices and send to the lab for processing. The Anthropologist An Anthropologist will aid in the identification and reassembly of skeletonised remains of the victims. (see fig 8) Examination of the skulls Examination of the skulls can give an estimated age and gender of the victims. It is estimated the shorter body is aged between 20 and 30 years and female. The taller of the two bodies was approximately between 30 and 40 years of age, also female. The Entomologist Examining maggots recovered from the scene the Entomologist constructs a timeline using the insects life cycles to estimate the date of death. This date coincides with the date on the newspaper which some of the body parts were wrapped in. Cause of death The taller woman had damaged of the hyoid bone consistent with strangulation. Five stab wounds to the chest were found. The smaller womans skull was fractured and her tongue shows signs of swelling consistent with asphyxia. When the PM is complete the Senior Investigation Officer asks the Pathologist for a cause of death. Results of the Post Mortem The post mortem has proven there are two bodies, both female, one in her twenties and the other in her thirties. The bodies were dismembered using a knife at the joints. The Pathologists concluded the bodies were mutilated to prevent identification and possibility by somebody with medical training. Both victims died a violent death. After the PM the coroner is informed and takes responsibility for the bodies until they are released for burial. . Finger and palm prints Automatic Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS) developed in the late 80s is now widely used in Police forces all over the world. Palm and fingerprints of the victims are taken and entered onto the AFIS system for possible identification or comparison later. Tool-marks Tool marks on the bones are casted and confirmed they were made by a knife. Facial Reconstruction 2D facial reconstruction was first used in Texas during the 1980s (As per Reichs and Craig. Facial Approximation: procedures and pitfalls) and allows the forensic artists to reconstruct faces on the skulls. 3D facial re-construction can also be done by using clay or 3D computer software using known profiles for race, age, and gender. The reconstructed face is photographed or printed and submitted to the incident room. (See fig 11) Further examination of the scene During the Post Mortem, searching the scene and the river continued and the cordons reviewed. Potential evidence such as footprints, drag marks, clothing snags and blood is recovered and examined for intelligence. Final inventory Once the scene has been fully examined, a final inventory is compiled of whats left and not removed. This will insure whatever is left is not part of the investigation. Although this is normally completed on an inside scene there is merit for carrying out this process for every scene. De-commissioning the scene Before the scene is released it is good practice for an independent Crime Scene Manager to walk the scene to establish if there are any items of interest to the investigation overlooked. The SIO and CSM walk the entire scene and on completion the scene is released. Evidence recovered at the scene Each piece of evidence should be photographed in its location; sketches drawn of its exact location and when collected, packaged in its own separate container, labelled and exhibit numbers assigned. Evidence collected at the scene included: Various body parts Two skulls Maggots Newspaper A patched blouse Tyre tracks Footprints Fingerprints Control samples Tyre marks and footprints Casts of Foot prints and tyre tracks are made and recovered. Intelligence on the class characteristics of the tyre marks can establish a type of tyre present at the scene. The tyre marks can also be compared on the national tyre tread database. If a vehicle is later identified the individual characteristics of the tyre can be compared with the recovered casts. Foot prints recovered can be compared on the national shoe database and be matched to a suspects shoe. The Newspaper The newspaper is examined for fingerprints, handwriting, hairs, fibres, blood and DNA. This paper is the Sunday Graphic which displays the date and part of a headline which refers to a festival in Morecambe near Lancaster. Intelligence from the newspaper points the investigation team to believe the murders may have taken place in the Morecambe area and the bodies driven up to Scotland on or soon after the date on the newspaper. (Wilson Wilson 2003) Missing Persons Reports The investigating team now look at missing persons reports for women in their mid twenties and late thirties from around the Morecambe and Lancaster areas. Mary Jane Rogerson (see fig 10) was reported missing by her stepmother. She had been employed by a Doctor Ruxton, who lived in Lancaster. 34 year old Isabella Ruxton, Dr Ruxtons wife (see fig 9) was also reported missing by friends. These women are good matches to the images the forensic artists generated. The patched blouse The blouse is tested for the presence of hair, fibres and traces of DNA. Any recovered particulates are compared to the victim and possible suspects. A photo of the blouse was shown to Jessie Rogerson and identified as been owned by Mary Jane. Incident room Detectives now turn their attentions to Dr. Ruxton. (See fig 7) Crime Scene 2 (Dr. Ruxtons House) The First Officer on scene preserved the scene using barrier tape to restrict entry to the building. The suspects car and the area surrounding the vehicle is cordon off. The scene log book is started and only persons wearing full PPE can enter the building. The Scientific Support Officer reviews the cordons and the personnel required at the building. The SSO will take into account if there is evidence external to the building. The Contamination Matrix and Dynamic Risk Assessments are completed before any persons enter the building. The SSO marks out the common access to the building. Method of entry to the building will be determined by the Crime Scene Manager. Once the Evidence Recovery Plan is complete, the building is searched. Blood was found on the stairs and in the bathroom. Blood, DNA and other material was discovered in the bathtub. This evidence was recovered and sent to the lab for examination. This blood and DNA will be compared to DNA on file from the victims and on the national DNA database. Evidence recovered from the building included:- Fingerprints Blood Skin and Bone Fragments Hair and fibres Clothing from the victim and suspect The suspects shoes Knifes Dr Ruxtons Doctors Bag Medicines and drugs including their containers Various control samples Mobile phones Fingerprints recovered at the house are compared to the victims on AFIS. As the bodies showed stab wounds and was dissected, a search for any instrument capable of accomplishing this is carried out. Ruxtons Medical bag was collected and sent to the lab. Ruxten`s shoes was collected and soil samples compared to soil from the dump site. The size, make and sole patterns were recorded and compared with marks recovered at the dump site. The shoes were also examined for blood and other trace evidence. Ruxtons clothing was collected and examined for the presence of the victims blood and other trace evidence. The suspect and victims mobile phones are recovered. The phones software is interrogated for cell tower information which can track the movements of the phones imei numbers as they travel between cell towers. Call logs, text messages, photos and emails can be reviewed by investigators. Ruxtons Car The car is impounded, transported to a special examination centre and searched for evidence it transported a body. The vehicles tyres are compared against tyre-tracks recovered from the scene. Soil in the tyres is compared against soil from the dumpsite. The National Vehicle File The vehicles number-plate is checked against the National Vehicle File (NVF) for intelligence. This car was reported as having been involved in a hit and run in Kendal placing it near the crime scene around the estimated date of the murders. ANPR and Speed Enforcement Camera Systems The cars number-plate can also be checked against various databases such as:- Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems Gatso and Robot Speed enforcement cameras CCTV CCTV recordings are collected from Petrol stations, shops and Cafes along the entire route from Dalton Square to the crime scene in Scotland. Image annalists examined the recordings for sightings of Dr Ruxton or his car. Final Inventory A final inventory is conducted by an independent CSM and once the SIO is satisfied there is no more evidence to be recovered, the building as a scene is decommissioned. Post Scene Activity When all the scenes have been examined the incident management team develop and agree a submission policy. (As per G. Keeling and A. Scott Crime Scene Management workbook, P24) The SIO, CSM, SSO and the Exhibits Officer must meet once or twice daily and explore if there are any links between the scenes and the recovered evidence. The CSM will continue to meet and liaise with the SIO and on the progress of the evidence. (As per G. Keeling and A. Scott Crime Scene Management workbook, P24) Budgetary Control The SIO is responsible to keep control of expenditure during the investigation. The SIO will see that overtime is kept to a minimum and only staff working their normal shift are used. As external agencies charge for their services the SIO in consultation with the CSM prioritise evidence to be processed. As intelligence from the lab emerges evidence will move up or down in priority. Submission for finance will consider the following:- Evidence which will prove/disprove a suspects involvement Does the evidence corroborate the suspects, witnesses or victims version of events Will the examination of this evidence further the investigation If these criteria are fulfilled the CSM will authorise its examination. (As per G. Keeling and A. Scott Crime Scene Management workbook, P25) Statements of evidence Every person involved in the investigation will be required to provide a statement. Police and experts notebooks are obtained. These documents will be received, read, catalogued and exhibit numbers assigned. Copies of all documents and reports will be compiled into the book of evidence and submitted in the court file. Experts in court and the trial If the case goes to trial then experts will be required to present their findings on the evidence to the Judge and jury. The defence has the right to cross examine any witness and have any evidence independently examined. On completion of the evidence, the prosecution and defence barristers give their closing statements. The judge will then charge and send the jury to deliberate. The jury can at any stage request clarification on any piece of evidence. When deliberations have finished, the jury return a verdict. Conclusion The murder scene is, without a doubt, the most important crime scene an officer will be called to attend. Because of the nature of the crime death by violence or unnatural causes, the answer to what happened can only be determined after careful and intelligent examination of the crime scene. (Gerberth,.J. Practical Homicide investigation tactics, Procedures and forensics) This essay is based on the Jigsaw murders of 1936 where Dr. Ruxton was found guilty on both accounts of murdering his wife Isabella and their house maid Mary Rogerson. He was sentenced to death.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Lord of the Flies :: essays research papers

Lord of the Flies How does Golding show mankind’s inner evil? Do you agree with his assumption that man is basically evil? Lord of the Flies is a book written by William Golding, influenced greatly by the events in World War II, when the news of the Holocaust and the concentration camps were materializing. Golding was shaken at the terrible nature of war and what humans can do to one another, not referencing the Holocaust or other wartime crimes, but for humans to be unaware ably evil. The book, Coral island, by Robert Ballantyne in 1857, which was a book about three boys shipwrecked on a pacific island and their victory over their situations, also influenced Golding, and the character names are similar to those in Coral island, Deliberately, as Golding says. In the dictionary, the definition of Evil is that of morally bad or wrong, Characterised by anger or is malicious, Also one violating or inconsistent with the moral law. Golding introduces the theme that evil, as a destructive force in man, society and civilisation is present in us all. Golding used the beastie, described by the little uns to represent evil that is part of human nature. After dusk, they describe that the beast lurks in the jungle, hunting and it wishes to overcome them. By day, the ‘beast’ disguises itself as creepers that innocently hang among the canopy of the trees. The vines may represent human nature in the daylight of civilisation, but in the darkness in a new environment, their real predatory nature surfaces. The little’uns scream in terror at the burning creepers during the forest fire â€Å"Snakes! Snakes! Look at the Snakes!† this is said to be an allusion to the serpent in the garden of Eden, who stole innocence and brang civilization to its own physicality. Golding shows man’s inner evil many ways throughout the text, but one of the main ways he expressed this is through characters such as Jack and Roger. Jacks first appearance was with his choir which was thought to be a dark creature, but it turned out to be a ‘party of boys’ marching in time in two parallel lines and dressed in strange clothing, possibly referencing uniformed military, seen to be evil from the beginning. Jack’s warlike attitude is clear from the start as he volunteers his choir to be hunters and he also carries around a knife. Jack wanted to keep rules, and agreed that they all had to co-operate â€Å"I agree with Ralph.